Community: Publications and Presentations

Publications | Magazine Articles | Presentations, Workshops and Lectures | Groups | Blog


An opinion piece on Best Practices published in the Canadian Social Work Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, Autumn 2008, page 112-114. Download pdf (0.08MB).

A documentary piece on Ukraine's homeless, published in Perspectives, September 2008, Volume 30, Number 3, page 10-11. Download pdf (0.6MB) and published in Ukrainian in ПPOCTO HEБA, September 2008, Number 2.

An opinion piece on Argentina orphanages published in Perspectives, March 2008, Volume 30, Number 1, page 16-17. Download pdf (0.56MB).

Magazine Articles

Leggo my lego! Tools for resolving conflict between your children
Originally Published in Multiple Moments: A Publication of Multiple Births Canada
Quarterly Issue 4

Other Peoples Parents
Originally published in Multiple Moments: A Publication of Multiple Births Canada
Quarterly Issue 3, 2012 - LGBTQ Support

Table for Two: No Highchair Required
Edited and published in Urban Baby & Toddler Magazine: Fall 2012,Page 15.
An article on parents date night, or as I suggest, a date day.

Both of Them Are My Real Moms
Originally Published in Multiple Moments: A Publication of Multiple Births Canada
Quarterly Issue 1, 2012 - LGBTQ Support

Presentations, Workshops and Lectures Provided

2016 | Vicarious Trauma: Creating A Career of Helping that is Sustainable.
Two interactive workshops provided for staff development to North Shore Crisis Services Society. North Vancouver, BC.

2015 | Working with clients using the “5 Love Languages” as a relationship tool (by Gary Chapman).
Workshop provided to the BC Association of Social Workers Sea to Sky Branch. Vancouver, BC.

2015 | Social Work as a career.
Mini presentation to two grade 1 classes on the profession of social work and the role of social work in communities. Vancouver, BC.

2014-2015 | Counselling with LGBTQ identified clients.
Four workshops provided to interns and Youth Lab participants on LGBTQ issues. Contracted work with Family Services of the North Shore. North Vancouver, BC.

2010 | Traveling with babies, multiples and young children.
Presentation provided to new parents at South Community Birth Program. Vancouver, BC.

2010 | Stress, Burnout and Vicarious Trauma, So now What?
Workshop provided to The Law Foundation of BC. Vancouver, BC.

2010 | LGBTQ and Health Care. Let's Be Real.
Lecture provided to University of British Columbia Nursing students. Vancouver, BC.

2010 | Transforming Vicarious Trauma.
Workshop provided to Atira Women's Resource Society, staff training. Vancouver, BC.

2010 | Preventing Child Sexual Abuse.
Lecture provided for the Vancouver Twins and More Club. Vancouver, BC.

2009 | Inspiring Hope: Therapy Considerations with Women in Trauma and an Introduction to Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
Workshop provided to the North Shore Crisis Services Society, staff training. North Vancouver, BC.

2009 | Women and Anger. Who's Management is it anyways?
Workshop provided to Atira Women's Resource Society, staff training. Vancouver, BC.

2009 | Vicarious Trauma.
Workshop provided to Atira Women's Resource Society, staff training. Vancouver, BC.

2009 | LGBTQ and Alcohol and Drug use: Practice Considerations
Lecture provided at the University College of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC.

2009 | Emergency Response and CISM preparation
Workshop. Family Services of the North Shore, North Vancouver, BC

2009 | International Social Work “Creating Opportunities”
Lecture provided at the UBC School of Social Work, Vancouver, BC.

2008 | BCASW Annual conference - Going Global
Presented on International Social Work Volunteering, Vancouver, BC

2008 | Managing Stress and Conflict for Graduate Students
Lecture provided at the UBC Graduate Program for Biologists

2008 | Healthy Relationships for Adolescents
Workshop. Muslim Secondary School, Kakamega, Kenya

2007 | Straight But Not Narrow
Workshop on therapist / client language, LGBT relationships and definitions. Family Services of the North Shore. North Vancouver, BC.

2006 | LGBTQ and Social Work Practice Issues.
Lecture provided to University College of the Fraser Valley Social Work students. Abbotsford, BC.

2006 | Sandtray Therapy Workshop            
Workshop. Co-presented case with Bea Donald, through the Association of Sandtray Therapy, Vancouver, BC.

2005 | Stress, Burn-out and Vicarious Trauma
Workshop. Indian Residential School Resolution Canada (WEST), Federal Government of Canada; Vancouver, BC.

2005 | Trauma Intervention with Women in Same-Sex Relationships           
Workshop. Family Services of the North Shore, North Vancouver, BC.

2005 | Trauma Intervention with Women in Same-Sex Relationships
Presenter. ATSS International Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA.

2005 | Healthy Same-Sex Relationships for Women
Workshop, Fraser Valley, Mission, BC.

2004 | Vicarious Traumatization and Human Service Professionals
Workshop on Vicarious Traumatization, Vancouver, BC.

2004 | Feminist Generalist Practice and Social Work Practice
Guest Lecturer, University College of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC.

2004 | Empowerment and Feminist Approach to Intimate Partner Violence
Workshop for female inmates in a peer counselling program; Fraser Valley Institution for Women, Abbotsford, BC.

2004 | What's Age Got to Do With It?
Brown-bag facilitation: Working with older women who have been abused; Women's Resource Society of the Fraser Valley & Mission Community Services. Mission, BC.

2004 | Vagina Monologues
Presenter. Abbotsford & Maple Ridge, BC.

2003 | Child Abuse
NOW Television, “On-line with Doug Kooy” - live television talk show on child abuse. Langley, BC.

2003 | The HEAL Team; An Interdisciplinary Approach to Medical Issues in Child Abuse
Presenter. Maternal and Child / Youth Health Conference 2003; Exploring the Links; Vancouver, BC.

2002 | The Contribution of Social Work on Multi-disciplinary Teams
Presenter. Forensic Psychiatric Institution, Port Coquitlam, BC.

2002 | Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Presenter. Management awareness of effective debriefing services, vicarious trauma and employee wellness. Forensic Psychiatric Institute & Community Psychiatric Services; Port Coquitlam, BC.

1996 | Stress and the Holiday Season
Workshop for staff. Fort Nelson General Hospital. Fort Nelson, BC.


2015 & 2016 | BC Victims Of Homicide
Group facilitator of yearly homicide loss support group. 8 week closed group.

2014 | Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) Family Drop in Group
Facilitated a supportive drop-in group for LGBTQ families through employment with Family Services of the North Shore. North Vancouver, BC.

2005-07 | Survivors of Abuse and Trauma
Two year open, closed and drop-in groups for incarcerated women on healthy relationships, sexual abuse, and trauma

2006 | Anxiety and Stress Management
Co-facilitated eight week mental health group for adults. As part of employment with Family Services of the North Shore, North Vancouver, BC.

2005 | Healthy Same-Sex Relationship Group
Eight week clinical therapy group for LGBTQ women. Contracted with the Women's Resource Society of the Fraser Valley, Mission, BC.

2007 | Parents and Caregivers Processing Group
Developed and facilitated a 5 week group for parents whose children have been sexually harmed. As part of employment with Family Services of the North Shore; North Vancouver, BC.

2004-05 | Trauma Group Facilitator
Weekly drop-in group for women addressing violence issues and two eight week childhood abuse groups. As part of employment with the Women's Resource Society of the Fraser Valley, Mission, BC.

2004 | Youth Empowerment Group
Ten week group for female adolescents on teen-related issues. As part of employment with the Women's Resource Society of the Fraser Valley, Mission, BC.